Digital Divides

 Hello! In this blog post, I am going to be discussing what "digital divide" is, and how it currently affects classes within our society. Digital divide refers to those who have more access to technology and the internet than others who don't. Many factors contribute to this divide such as the area you grow up in, affordance, lack of knowledge in knowing how to use it, internet access, and so on. Thankfully I have not experienced such digital divides, as I have grown up with technology surrounded by me and my family introduced it to me from a rather early age. 

However, I have witnessed it from family around me, such as my dad and older people within my community. Although he can grasp basic concepts of what technology is, he isn't very familiar with the ins and outs of it like my siblings are for instance. Obviously for many of our parents technology wasn't a part of their childhood and early adult years. A lot of the time, my dad has us do things for him if he can't figure it out such as using the GPS alone, texting, downloading things, etc. My mom on the other hand is a little more technologically advanced in understanding the ins and outs of technology. 

Are digital divides a human rights issue in our generation? I think the answer is very much yes, 100%. Many things that we do nowadays require internet access, and if you don't have that but you have a laptop you cannot fully access what the laptop has to offer. Those who do not have internet access are unfortunately a part of this divide, and it is rather sad. School systems are becoming more digital as well, so being a part of this divide restricts you from receiving an education, and that in itself is a basic human right. Say you yourself cannot access the internet to use the digital world, but you have a library near you that has public wifi and laptops, this makes it easier for you but it is also a hassle. If you have to pay bills and buy things online, this might become an inconvenience for you. A lot of job applications are online now as well, and communicating with others is easier through the web. 

With the way inflation is, there is no doubt that more and more people are going to be a part of this divide in the USA and even globally. Prices of everything are projected to go up, so it would be better if everything in the digital realm was more accessible to those who can't access it. I believe there already is such a thing called fixed internet hotspots in certain areas. Either way, if prices were cheaper for the internet and technology that would lessen the bridges not only in the USA, but globally.  


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