My take on "The Social Dilemma" documentary.

 Hi, in this blog post I am going to share my thoughts and comments after watching the documentary "The Social Dilemma". This documentary goes into great depth at showing that although the companies who created these now known huge social media platforms didn't have the intention of creating such mental health sucking platforms, that is what they have become. There are many positives when it comes to using social media and engaging with it, however they describe the phenomenon of how gen z and the newer generations are getting negatively impacted by its daily use. It was interesting that they described the way that when you like and view something, the online generators track how long you scroll, stay looking at a post, and what you like the most to then create a model of what they know will catch your attention. Teens thus spend hours and hours scrolling away, not giving time to the present life they are in which in turn they are "giving their life away to the social media platforms' ' as they stated in the documentary. The way they put into perspective how detrimental social media is becoming on the upcoming generations is quite concerning. When they showed the teenager in the clip of her ignoring her family when her mom asked her to set up the table for dinner, it was really sad to see just how over consuming social media has become. When the girl also broke the box her mom put all of their phones in during dinner, it was just crazy how she couldn't stay away from social media for one simple hour. I can't believe she went to the extent to break it. Unfortunately, this is how addicting social media has become for many people, and it's as if teens and young adults cannot live without their phones. It is true when they mentioned that the creators who generate content for us to view do not really care about our mental health or well being. They just want engagement, growth and money for the companies and well being. They do not care about us, the consumers, at all. Its a sad world that we live in, whether it is in the realm of social media or work, people just want power. Despite them showing so many of the rather depressing aspects social media has turned into, I hope we as a society will not be so over reliant on social media and seeing what the world is up to.


  1. i agree with the positives that you explained in your writing. The comment about how social media is becoming detrimental to the generations coming up is so true. There are so many young kids today who are addicted to it at a young age.

  2. I get what you're going at in the end, I do think it's impossible to be perfectly ethical whilst producing digital content, due to the algorithms being addicting, but the only way to make money forces many youtubers to follow trends to be loyal to only analytics or cash if they want to make money.


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